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5 Surprising Natural Skin Care Remedies

Yikes! All the cold weather outside and the dry heat indoors can wreak havoc on our skin. Looking for some ways to fight the chapped, flaky skin that winter brings on? Welcome to the club! Part of living a healthy life, however, means choosing skin care products that will do more good than harm with no yucky chemicals and artificial additives. Although there are plenty of products out there with naturally derived ingredients, I wanted to share some completely natural remedies that will keep your skin smooth and beautiful through the winter and beyond.


I use honey to wash my face. That may sound crazy, but it has been the absolute best “face wash” I’ve ever used. Honey is antibacterial so it is a very effective cleanser and it has moisturizing powers so you’ll clean your face without drying it out. I prefer to use raw honey, but as long as your honey is 100% pure you should be good. Simply hold a warm, wet washcloth on your face for a few moments to open your pores and dampen your skin. Then slather your face with honey and let it stay for up to 10 minutes. Rinse off the honey and you’re done!

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an incredibly effective way to exfoliate your face so you don’t have to spend money on expensive scrubs. It’s like microdermabrasion is just sitting there in your fridge waiting for you. Try scrubbing your clean face with a paste made from baking soda and distilled water for up to 10 minutes before rinsing.


Coconut Oil

Some people get nervous about putting oil on their face, but trust me, it’s worth a try! Coconut oil is this super amazing health food that also provides amazing real, deep moisture. Bonus: coconut oil makes your hair super soft and shiny AND it makes a great shaving “cream.”



Milk is a great, gentle skin softener that will soothe your red, dry winter skin. Just throw a few cups of milk in the next time you draw a bath; your skin will thank you. Also, soaking your feet in milk before your self-administered pedicures will make your feet super soft.



This one isn’t for your skin but I think it’s pretty amazing…Did you know that ruby red strawberries but can actually help make your teeth white! Because of all the vitamin C in strawberries, they remove plaque and help get rid your teeth of stains. For your own all natural (and tasty) teeth whitening treatment use a toothbrush to spread mashed strawberries on your teeth and let it sit for 5 minutes. Try this once a week for the best results!

Do you have any natural skin care remedies you love? Share them with us!

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